I wanna make you feel alive
Let me make you happy
I wanna make you feel alive at night
I wanna make you happy
If you're a good girl tonight
A lot has gone on since last post. March was a pretty exciting month overall with the Hunger Games, Zac Brown Band, outdoor barbecues and other various happenings.
I love Summer. Wait...it's not Summer already? Yes, yes it is. Have you been feeling these temps? We're up for a scorcher this season I can feel it.
So yeah, I just came in from outside. I've been finding myself out there more frequently...just sitting on the porch reading, watching the dogs play, enjoying the weather, taking in life. I kind of like that. Simplicity. Easy. The good life.
And really, it is.
I've signed myself up for a photography course later this month. I couldn't be more excited. The photographer is exceptionally talented and I'm honored for the opportunity to learn from her. Who knows? Maybe one day I will make something out of this hobby? Who's to say I can't?
I have so much I want to say right now. So much to say and not enough words to say it all. I've pondered everything from writing about opportunities, traveling the world, bettering myself to even writing about recipes. However, all I can think about is how incredibly blessed I am. All I know is that I'm so incredibly grateful for my life and the people in it.
So here's this: I've decided to write a little shout out to (most) everyone that's made an impact on my life. I mean, not all in THIS blog of course...but over time.
I don't even know how I can possibly put into words what you mean to me. You're everything a husband and man should be. You're kind, intelligent, diligent, funny, dorky, charming and the epitome of a southern gentleman.
When Friday rolls around my heart skips a beat. It's just the best feeling to know that when I get off work, you're coming home. That I get to live with you and share my life with you.
I hear women complain about their husbands all the time. If it's not one thing it's another.
Honestly, I can say that I'm the luckiest girl in the world to have you.
Every girl should be treated the way you treat me.
You're truly my best friend. My biggest confidant. My partner in crime.
You'll never understand what it means to me that you nurture even my stupidest whims.
Whether it's picking up wooden pallets, painting a craft room, picking up a sewing machine (all while knowing I can't sew), dreaming of traveling the world, buying a puppy (x2!) or spending money on a hobby that "I just know I'm going to be good at!" You're there.
You smile. You get excited with me.
You inspire me to be better.
You let me call you Tomato and never complain about it.
It's been nearly 5.5 years that we've been a team. I look forward to every day of forever. No matter where life takes us, no matter the struggles we endure. It's you and me, me and you. Forever.
Unless you get fat...
Speaking of Tomato...
The long distance thing is still working for us. We told ya'll we'd make it work, and make it work we have.
We were in the car yesterday and I told him, "It doesn't even feel like you were ever gone." To which he replied "We picked up where we left off. Just a few things are different."
It's good to have a husband around to poop scoop the yard, I must say.
Tomato eagerly took me out to the shooting range on Saturday. I cannot say that I was that eager. However, I shot the stupid glock/pistol/black shooty thing or whatever it's called and actually hit the target. I actually hit it quite a few times, to which Tomato promptly gave me a five and danced around like a little girl.

Those two holes there in the red...mine. Watch yourself, they don't call me eagle eye ginger for no reason!
So I've decided that I can be on Top Shot before Tomato. He's a chump and a show off anyway.

Zero has been adjusting quite well to the new puppy. However begrudgingly at first, he has adapted quite well. He can often be seen playing tug of war with the puppy, gnawing on the puppy, turning the puppy on his back and even sometimes...snuggling the puppy (though warily).
I told you they were going to be best friends.

He's quite the little gentleman. He hasn't had an accident in the house for four days. He's been eating like a champ and sleeping (mostly) through the night. He's my little shadow and loves to play in the grass. He's turning into an expert member of the family.

What I just finished reading
Sequel to A Game of Thrones.
More battles, drama and awesome.
Song of the Day:
Junk of the Heart (Happy) by The Kooks
I want to follow you on Instagram, because the picture of the two pups is ridiculously cute!