I should not have been gone for so long.
I'm yours and that's it, forever.
You're mine and that's it, forever.
If March was busy, April has been non-stop...and we're not even halfway in yet. Even with all that has been going on my mind keeps fast forwarding to vacation. I cannot stop thinking about being on vacation. I cannot. I cannot.
As you all know it's been two years since Timmy and I have been on any sort of REAL vacation. As a matter of fact, now that I think on it...perhaps our honeymoon was our last REAL (yes, all caps) vacation. And even though people think we're too old for a Disney Cruise...we're still going. I'm still going to have fun and that's that. Also, Timmy informed me that we are going to Hogwarts, which absolutely made my life.
Some of you may be saying to yourself, "Gosh, why not go to Jamaica or something. That's more adult." Yes, I've heard this. Here's the answer...we don't want to. Not this time. Maybe not ever, I like being busy. Being busy is my life, duh.
I've been taking pictures again.

These two shots are probably my favorite from the week. I had the pleasure of being invited to the zoo by some work friends. I got to meet Charlie (the cutie in the Master's polo up there) and hang out with his mom and two other ladies from work. Now, going to the zoo is fun. However, going to the zoo with kids is even MORE fun. Did you know that even Giraffes say "RAWR?" I, for one, did not. I'm glad I know now. I always wanted to speak giraffe.

This is Allie and Craig. Allie and I used to work together in college. It was good times. Now, she's pregnant...as you can see. She's beautiful! However, there is a story behind these two pictures. They were literally the ONLY two pictures I could snap of Allie and Craig before a pop up hurricane decided to take over Columbia. I mean, my legs were getting beat with pebbles which felt like buckshot. Anyway, so...there are a lot of things to work on in these shots...I'm super aware. For instance, the lighting and composition can use a little tweaking. Yes, I see that "FDC" fire thingy, it did not escape my attention. But the truth is, I think knowing what's wrong with a shot may be the first step in preventing the same mistake. I mean, let's face it...it was two shots. Two. The only two.
I can't wait for a reattempt with Allie and Craig. Like I said, I'm no professional photographer...so when Allie approached ME about taking some photos for her during this special time in her life...I literally almost peed myself. I mean, I know some GREAT/EPIC/RIDICULOUSLY TALENTED photographers, people which I idolize (For example the photographer which took my header picture- Valerie Schooling. Are you for real? She's the bee's knees). So when I was approached..well let's just say that I'm still in shock. Thankfully, for all involved, my pants stayed dry...but as the story goes...my head got a little wet.
I lost my fedora.
Anyway all this has got me thinking. Thinking about taking chances and making changes. 24 is not old. I could still do SO much with my life. It's crazy to think about. If I wanted to go back to school to be an astrophysicist I could. If I wanted to be the dog whisperer, why not? You've got to start somewhere. So...I'm just gonna go for it and see where it takes me.
Tomato is well. Every week that passes we get more into the routine of the coming and going.
But that's not the big news.
The big news is this:
I'm so proud of him! He's really done a lot to deserve it. So much so that I'm letting him get a pair of new snake boots!
Zero is the epitome of style and grace. He's turned into quite the little teacher. Alpha just follows right in his footsteps. Potty training has been a breeze with Alpha because he wants to be just like his big brother. Alpha just tends to follow him around and emulate him.
I raised such a perfect role model.
He's sweet, he's stubborn, he's a doxie.
He got microchipped yesterday and had he been any bigger than 4.6 pounds he may have bitten off every hand of every tech/vet in the dog hospital yesterday. He's a ferocious little thing when he needs to be. Where Zero just takes shots with a grain of salt...Alpha won't go down without a fight.
I felt like I betrayed him. How will I ever have human children?!
You're my best friend in the world.
You are inspirational.
You're a wonderful role model.
You're a terrific mother.
I can't even begin to express the wonderful things you've done in my life.
Both the great and small.
Thanks for loving me though you didn't have to.
You always set the bar higher, you support me no matter what.
You withhold judgement and really are a shoulder to cry on.
Almost every decision I make I always think about what you'd say to me.
Thank you for being my sister.
Song of the Day:
The Ballad of Love and Hate by The Avett Brothers
(I love those guys, I may have to do a blurb on them.)
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