Your guns don't bother me
I said we're out to prove the truth of
The man from Galilei
Well, this most certainly is not in order. However, I figured I would rearrange things a bit to introduce you to the newest member of the Warren family.
This is Alpha. I've been calling him "Alpha-Doodle."
Don't judge me.

Alpha is already super attached to me. How could he not be? I mean really, what's not to love? Anyway the story goes that we went to his breeder's house with a specific dog in mind. I did not leave with that dog today. After several visits, this is the little guy I fell in love with. He's considered an "Isabella" Dachshund. Yes, I have a weeny dog. He's awesome. I hear that doxie's are one owner dogs. We shall see.
He's done quite well so far. He's had one pee accident in the house and has gone outside several times. I think that he'll be trained up in no time.
Well, now that that's taken care of...
This past weekend has had to be one of the most stressful in my life. As those closest to me might know Tomato's uncle passed away last week. It was most unexpected. In addition to that, I had some biological family drama of my own. Throw in Mr. Dan's birthday (which we regrettably did not get to celebrate with him), 38 hours of work over said weekend and house guests (though they absolutely weren't a problem) and you get me...with a massive migraine. Unfortunately that migraine has not ceased...but it is what it is.
I've learned some things through this. Life is really something unexpected. It doesn't matter how old, young, healthy or unhealthy you day God is going to call you on home (or wherever).
You've got to live for right now. I know people say this kind of thing all the time..Carpe Diem and whatnot. However, it's true. I thank God that I'm young and able to do things at this juncture of my life. I have been blessed beyond measure. You only have one life and one chance to do the things you want. If your dream is to get six pack better start. If your dream is to travel to the Arctic Circle...start making plans. It literally kills me to see people waste life and health.
Anyway, off my soap box.
I was reading on the porch today (yes, I frequently sit on my rocking chair and read) when I noticed a coworker walking by. Anywho, we got to talking and her little girl ended up playing in my backyard. Meet Izzy.
FINALLY got a permanent room on base. This means we save approximately 400 dollars a month. That, my friends, is quite a healthy sum of money. I could not be happier about this. Frankly the only thing that could make me any happier about the situation would be him living here. But, you take what you can get.
Z-man is taking to the pup quite well. He seemed unsure at first. He promptly sniffed Alpha and jerked his head up...busting my nose. After I staunched the flow of bleeding and regained my full awareness...I took them outside to play. Zero does not like sharing frisbee. However, he is slowly coming around and has even let the puppy cuddle him some.
I think they're gonna be best friends.


I'm always gonna love my first born.
Best. Dragon. Ever.
What I just finished reading:
Winter is coming.
I give it a SOLID 10/10.
Song of the Day:
Janglin' by Edward Sharpe and the Magnetic Zeroes
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