Welcome to my life.
The life of a Marine's wife,
registered nurse,
dog owner,
wanna-be photographer,
and budding writer.

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Always remember, there is nothing worth sharing

Like the love that let us share our name

So, I don't really have time for an especially epic post about the holidays right yet, perhaps tomorrow? However, I do have time to drop a quick post about the awesomeness that was my New Years Eve. I was NEVER in my LIFE this excited about NYE, ever.

I celebrated NYE in Greenville, SC with Lauren. We saw The Avett Brothers...live, and it was phenomenal. Now, if you don't know The Avett Brothers, you should. They put on a live show like I have never seen before. I will say, that I probably have never and will never again see so much flannel. It was like a lumberjack convention. But, I, too am guilty of this fashion trend. Whatever. I like flannel. Sue me.

I'm so lucky to have Lauren in my life, especially as one of my closest friends. I couldn't think of a better person to ring in the New Year with. We even had a New Year's kiss on the cheek. If she were a castle I'd be the moat.

So we rocked out for 2 hours with the Avett's (and some really awesome fans) and then went back to our hotel room and slept until the late morning hours of 2012. I'm glad to see 2012.

I really hope that 2012 is a memorable year. I know that 2011 was. 2011 proved to me just how strong and independent I am capable of being.

I guess if I believed in these resolution things this would be my list (because I happen to love lists).
1. Stop drinking so much damned caffeine. This may be the one that kills me.
2. Run. I mean, for distances. Like maybe a marathon? Nevermind, this will kill me.
3. Travel. God, I want to travel so much. I could probably survive this.

Well, that about sums that up. Happy New Year. I wish you all the best.

In 2011 I saw my husband for approximately 3 months. I have lived the majority of this year without him. I can't believe that. It feels like yesterday that he was here. Now, I can officially say I haven't seen him since last year. Weird, especially when it's put that way.

I've learned so much during this time. I've learned how important he is, how strong I am and how much better we can become. I can't wait until he comes home.

It won't be long now.

Zero has a privacy fence.
Zero plays frisbee.
Zero cuddles more than he used to.
Zero loves to eat.
Zero is my buddy and he keeps me laughing.

The Dictionary of Ashley

Shoot me in the face (phrase): When something is going especially wrong and I'm being way too overdramatic and self pitying. However, it can be over something really trivial...like I said, I'm being dramatic. Please, refrain from literally shooting me in the face.

"You're late for your appointment."
Me: "Shoot me in the face!"

Song of the Day:
Murder in the City by The Avett Brothers

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