Welcome to my life.
The life of a Marine's wife,
registered nurse,
dog owner,
wanna-be photographer,
and budding writer.

Friday, December 23, 2011


We are young
So, let's set the world on fire
We can burn brighter than the sun

Well, not much has changed since my last update. Just been gearing up for the holidays. Working, you know...the usual.

I will say one thing, the weather has been epic. A lot of people are complaining that "it doesn't feel like Christmas" because it's 70+ degrees out. To them, I say, whatever. Christmas is about your spirit, not about the weather. And I, for one, absolutely love this weather..and I'm still wearing my flannel regardless.

I work 6 hours tomorrow and then I'm off to Moncks Corner, SC to spend some time with my family in-law. It should be fun, it's always a good time around Christmas. I need to lay off the candy and goodies though. The insanity I did earlier this year is totally wearing off. I think I want to start running though. Especially on days like today.

I've been doing a lot of missing my husband lately. The holidays are hard without him here. I love this house, I love my family...but it's hard not to think that part of myself is missing. The hard part about that is, is that I know where (generally) that part is. I know that if we weren't fighting this "war" in Afghanistan he could be with us, in his Christmas sweater, smiling and enjoying the holidays with us. I mean, I'm thankful he's safe...but it is quite depressing to come home and have no one here. Especially during the time of the year when family means so much. Such are the woes of a military wife, I guess. More often than not, I'm sure I wasn't made for this. However, everyday is a day closer.

Here's a treat. I just found this. It made me smile. I love Colin, have I ever mentioned that?

I want to take some more pictures. Let me photograph you.

Anyway, I really need to build furniture and unpack my garage. I'm meeting Sarah tonight for dinner. Lauren is coming over tonight to help me make Christmas treats. :)

He's well, considering. I had this really great Christmas present planned out for him, that never got sent due to lack of involvement. I was really stoked about it too. Owell, when he gets back home he'll have the most epic holiday ever. I'm going to personally make sure of it.

I love you, sir. I hope that you know that I want you here more than anything, but considering that can't happen...I hope you know that I'll miss you every second until you get home. Things can't be the same without you.

Z-man and I went to the pond today. The weather is so nice that it would have been a waste of the day not to. He just sat politely on the bank and watched the ducks. If you know Zero, you know that this is especially awesome. Usually my dog takes every chance he can get to jump in a body of water. We've just been hanging out since.

Thankfully, he has had no deficits from ingesting peanut butter ant killer. Sigh.

The Dictionary of Ashley
Diet Coke: (n.) you might think, "wait this isn't a made up/silly word!" However, you have not heard this word come out of my mouth. Diet Coke is literally the most Southern accented word that makes it way out of my mouth. It kind of sounds like "Dot Coke". I can't help it. Bite me.

Me: "I'll have a Diet Coke."
Waitress: "A what?"
Lauren: "She said Diet Coke."
Me: :squint at Lauren: "Don't judge me."

Song of the Day:
We are Young by Fun.

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