But I know soon we'll be together
And I can't wait till then
I can't wait till then
All I can say is crazy. My life has been utterly crazy for the past few weeks. I've wanted nothing more than to blog for the past forever, but unfortunately since moving into the new house I've not had cable/internet with the exception of my phone. I will say that I've been immensely more productive without these luxuries. However, while brushing my teeth every morning I think about the stuff I would write about if I could. So, here I am at Sarah's house watching Molly and Zero play tuggy and jacking their internet for about the zillionth time since moving to the neighborhood.
With that said, I should have all the luxuries of cable/internet on Tuesday.
So here goes, with the help of friends/family and acquaintances I have been able to successfully move from my parents house and our 8 x 10 storage unit into our new and beautiful home. However, the unpacking has been slow going with work, travel and other responsibilities. Things have been coming a long nicely and after about several dozen trips to Ikea, I think we finally have the majority of our furniture.
So there's that.
Work has been good and I scheduled for a shift change starting next schedule. I'm pretty stoked about it. I had my 180 day evaluation and it went pretty well. I think I'm always going to be harder on myself than others are on me.
I have taken a few pictures since the move, of others. Which has been cool, it's great to have people will to let me refine my skills with them. Haha. For some reason, though, my computer will not let me post said pictures. That's another item of purchase we've been considering when Tomato gets home. My computer is sooooooo stupid slow. I've had the same computer since Sophomore year of undergrad and it's time for an upgrade.
Isn't it crazy that when you've got so much to say, nothing ever comes out. Sigh.
He's coming home very very very soon. I wish I could say when, but alas, I cannot. However, it will not be before the holidays. I'm just so excited and nervous and have butterflies flapping all around my stomach. Friday marked 5 years since he asked me to be his exclusively. What a packed 5 years it has been. I can't believe how much we've been through together: college, training, moving, engagement, marriage, jobs, a dog, deployment, house buying and tons more.
I just can't wait until he gets back so we can go on a mini vacation, and get this new chapter of our lives off the ground.
I know that he can't wait to be home either. He's probably more excited about the new house than I am. I just can't wait to see him walk in it.
Ate an ant trap last night. I thought I would die. Zero has not chewed up something that didn't belong to him since he was a small pup. So after frantic calls to animal poison control...which costs 65 dollars a pop we found out that we could expect minor tummy upset. Which, is all he had.
So here's some education for you. The companies that make ant traps puts peanut butter in them to attract ants...which...also attracts dogs. Mystery solved.
Zero is back to his old self and loving his new digs.
The dictionary of Ashley
We're gong to wait for this until I can write another real blog.
Song of the Day:
Colder Weather by The Zac Brown Band
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