Welcome to my life.
The life of a Marine's wife,
registered nurse,
dog owner,
wanna-be photographer,
and budding writer.

Sunday, July 24, 2011

If there's no one beside you

when your soul embarks
then I'll follow you into the dark

So, today started the "great find a church challenge," otherwise named...deployment goal #11. This morning I went to Lexington Baptist Church in downtown Lexington. So, here's my official review.

I got there WAY TOO early at 11am. Service didn't start until 1130. That's awesome in and of itself, because I can sleep in on Sunday morning if I decide to continue my attendance at this church. However, because I got there early I found myself in the predicament of not having anything to do for 30 minutes. I couldn't join in on a Sunday School class because they had already started, I didn't know where they were and I didn't know what I was walking in to. With that I went to the "Welcome Center" to get some information. Well, there wasn't anyone there so I just grabbed some flyers and started reading about the place. Then, a man appeared and started talking to me. He was very nice. As it turns out, he grew up in Jacksonville, NC so we had plenty to talk about. After a little bit of small talk the contemporary worship service began. I loved it. The music was great, and the message was great (and relevant) and I actually felt more fulfilled in Christ. That hasn't been the case in quite some time. Not to mention I got a Kutless CD just for visiting. I can dig that.

So, it was great. I give it an A overall, but may still try on some other things. However, it will be a minute. I have to work next weekend and will be traveling to Atlanta the weekend after.

Speaking of Atlanta, I'm super excited. I'm also excited for my upcoming NY trip. August is going to be a busy month of traveling, birthdays and as always...work. August will be over before I know it, and one month closer to the homecoming of my Tomato. :)

...lost his razor...AGAIN. I made sure to give him a stern talking to, AGAIN! So, I packed the latest two care packages with an extra razor handle, AGAIN.

Other than that, AGAIN, my husband is amazing. He's everything a girl should have. I can't believe I'm so lucky. If this deployment has taught me anything, it's how understanding and patient my husband truly is. Perhaps, it's taught me how patient I am. You never know what your relationship is capable of until you test it to it's limit. I have learned that.

I mean, there are worse things than a deployment to go through. But, this is the hardest thing we've had to go through as a team.

You know, I really have shown my patience. I sent him a razor handle, AGAIN. Haha.

Zero, somehow managed to rip out his stitches at 4 days post op. That, apparently, is a medical emergency. I took him to the vet yesterday and now he's sporting nice staples and has been confined to the "cone of shame" for the better part of every day. He is also taking oral antibiotics to prevent infection. This fate, unfortunately, is one he brought on himself by being a rambunctious lab. He can't seem to wrap his crazy little head around the fact that frisbee cannot be played after your gonads have been ripped from your body.

However, he was relentless...and now, I'm relentless as well.

Cue cone of shame!

However, after 8 hours of shame, he has learned to work around it. Making him more obnoxious and rambuncious as ever. He now has a new found way to annoy people by hitting his head against everything and trying to grab the frisbee, in turn shoveling copious amounts of dirt into his cone. He adores this. Typical.

He's now upstairs with me sulking because he can't play with everyone else.

Song of the Day
I Will Follow You Into the Dark by Death Cab For Cutie

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