Welcome to my life.
The life of a Marine's wife,
registered nurse,
dog owner,
wanna-be photographer,
and budding writer.

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

And there were so many fewer questions

when stars were still just the holes to heaven


I've been absent for a hot minute. I feel like I'm always saying this. I've been working like a mad woman lately. Today is actually the first time that I've not made an appearance at work in the last 5 days. Yesterday, I proved my competence, the day before learned to triage and you know before that actually had patients to take care of. Work has been going great. I don't know what it is exactly, but lately I've seriously had a renewed vigor for my work. It's pretty amazing to be pulled out of whatever rut I was finding myself in.

So recently, as some of you may have noticed, I started a new blog for my "photography" as it were. I hope that little brain child becomes super fruitful. Actually, I went to Fusion Bowl last night with a few work friends and I got a fortune cookie that said, "The project you just started will soon gain momentum." Whatever project that is? I have so many, but I have a feeling it was referring to the blog and photography in general. Here's the link if ya'll have the desire:  http://starving-hobbyist.blogspot.com/

So basically, anything but not necessarily everything, that has to do with my hobby will be posted there.

I've been decorating my bedroom. I realized the other day that there was entirely too much grey in that room. So, I've decided to add yellow. It reminds me of the song "You are my sunshine." Anyway, if you've ever had a serious conversation with me about my home you know this one fact: I strive to one day have my home pictured in Better Homes and Gardens or Southern Living. It's true. It's so very true. It's on my written out bucket list. Do you have one of those? You should, it gives your life some goals.

We recently acquired furniture and I finally have a China cabinet, which was also on my bucket list. I have no idea why you need to know that, but now you do.

I've been reading like crazy over the past few months. It's amazing. I've always found it so easy to get caught up in some author's world. I love writing, I love stories and I like taking a break from my own head from time to time. I've never actually understood people who say things like, "I don't read" or "I just can't get into the reading thing" or "The only thing I've ever read is the subtitles in my video game."

It's actually quite annoying the conversations that I can have about books (especially Harry Potter, don't worry I'll spare you that). I actually get a feeling of jealously when I know that someone is reading a book I've already read for the first time (especially Harry Potter). I always wish that I could read that book for the first time again.

Anyway, I'm currently reading King Henry VIII by Margaret George. This is all thanks to a lady I work with. Who is, coincidentally, in love with books as well. Don't ride this book off, it's super interesting and further cements the fact that if I ever have a son, his name will be Henry. You can name your kid that too, I don't care.

So anyway,

I feel like a lot has been chaining in our relationship lately. I think we're becoming more adult or something. We spend our days beautifying our home, having long phone conversations (when he's not home) and talking through things that are more than just "what's for dinner?" Distance forces you to talk about things that you wouldn't otherwise. Wether it's money, patience, or even death (God forbid). It's been great getting to know who my husband is on another level. It makes me love and apprieciate him even more than I already do.

But what do I want most out of this relationship in the very immediate future? I want to go to Carowinds this weekend, so ya'll let him know that I should be able to go.


My shadows.

For those that don't know, Alpha, sustained a pretty gnarly (in my opinion) puppy injury about a week ago. I was talking on the phone with my sister when I heard a yelp in the backyard. Ran out there, Zero was sitting on the porch chewing on his frisbee and Alpha was in the yard chewing on a stick. Where these sticks come from I don't know, we have a sapling tree in our backyard. Anyway, there was blood everywhere. So much blood that I thought the dog must have gauged an artery. The source of blood ended up being the tip of his right ear. Rushed him to the ER vet and got some derma bond (super glue), pain meds, and antibiotics. Needless to say, the ear isn't healing altogether properly and he'll have a mark of character.

The point is that my heart died when I saw all that blood. I can't imagine having human children. That's a lot of stress. Haha.

Alpha's being neutered on the 28th of this month. The goal was to do that before he figured out he is, indeed, a boy dog.

Zero is still his same sweet self. I want to take him to the lake swimming soon. He'd love some "mommy and me" time, I'm sure.

What I just got finished reading ("just got" being about three weeks ago):

Feast for Crows
By George R.R. Martin
Not as epic as the prior three books. 
I'm sad that I don't know what's going on with my favorite characters.
I ordered the 5th book hoping to fill that void.
Still a better book than most the junk on the shelves these days.

...and people, stop bothering me about the next two Fifty Shades of Grey books. 
I don't care if "they get better and actually have a story."
I'm not reading them. 

Song of the Day:
Holes in Heaven by Jack Johnson

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