Run me, straight into the ground
Drowning, deep inside your water
Drowning, deep inside your sound
...doesn't have a whole lot to complain about lately, aside from the fact that my husband is half a world away.
Today was my first day off in seven days. I slept until 1130, it was amazing. I go back to work tomorrow for one shift and then I'm off to Gatlinburg, TN after what I hope is, an amazing night's sleep.
Work is going great. I had my yearly evaluation Sunday. You may say, "You haven't been there a year." I would agree, but apparently I have to have an evaluation. I was a little nervous about this because I haven't worked with any one person for too terribly long. However, it seems that a whole lot of kind things were said about me. I was surprised at this because I incredibly hard on myself. During said evaluation I was inspired to finally sign up for my GRE. My coordinator said, "Ashley, I know you have plans to back to school. I don't want you to be one of those nurses that have all these plans and then don't follow through. We're here to help you." So, because I knew that I would end up one of those people that always talked about going back to school and never doing it, I signed up for my GRE. I take it November 2, 2011 at 1230. I'm kind of nervous, but there's no backing out now.
So work's been good.
Today I got to take some pictures of some extremely cute babies. It's been fun to have some sort of hobby to keep me busy. Now, I realize that I'm not like an especially epic photographer and don't even hold a candle to photographers such as my wedding photographer, for instance. But, I like to play with it. Hopefully with some practice and some education I could turn it into something more...but for's just fun and occupying.
I got to see LA for about 10 minutes today. We were supposed to be seeing a move. One Day, to be exact...apparently it's not especially good because when we got there the movie was canceled due to lack of interest/broken projector. I mean, I read the book and it was pretty great. So in hind sight I guess we should have asked for some free movie tickets, but we didn't. Owell. I miss LA, she's seriously a wonderful friend.
I also miss Sarah.
I also miss a lot of people.
I especially miss Tomato.
So tomorrow, work and then an Insanity workout. Yes, I've been working out with a girl from work and her friend. It's been pretty great. I've been feeling like death and barely been able to walk down stairs but, I mean, it hurts so good. Perhaps I can get into the swing of this exercise thing. I could do a lot of great things to my body if I would just stop eating out so much. So yeah cross your fingers.
With all this distracting stuff going on recently it's hard to believe that I actually did receive some sad news yesterday. My grandmother's youngest brother passed away. It's sad because, yes, he was young and had a wonderful family. It hurts me most because my grandmother has been suffering so much. In recent years she's had to deal with the death of her mother, her son and now her brother. I don't understand how she holds herself up so well. I've always admired
her strength and grace through adversity, but there's only so much one person can take. I can't imagine what it's like to be alone with so much tragedy. I hope she knows I love her. I hope she knows I love her, so much.
TOMATO, THE HUBS. passing the time in Afghaniland. Soaking up the sun and sand. Living the dream. Yeah. Right.
I want my husband back. Every minute of every day, I want him back.
Zero's been sick for a few days. He's finally almost back to 100% of himself today. He started acting funny a few days ago and would yelp when jumping from the bed. I check his paws/legs and feet and didn't find an injury. However, when you pushed his belly he flinched and yelped. So after a couple of days of him not being himself, I got Mr. Dan to carry him to the vet's office. They did some studies and couldn't find anything. So the prescribed him some Tramadol and Pepcid and told us to watch him for a couple of days.
Whatever it was, he didn't want to play frisbee for awhile. Of course that made me think he was practically dying.
But, he's definitely playing frisbee today, and what a beautiful day it was.
Song of the Day
Love and Memories by OAR
You see this just isn't the way it really works within the abdominal exercise. And this is exactly where many individuals end up making several deadly mistakes due to which they may possibly ruin their chances of ever getting muscles.