Welcome to my life.
The life of a Marine's wife,
registered nurse,
dog owner,
wanna-be photographer,
and budding writer.

Thursday, August 18, 2011

This is what you get

This is what you get
This is what you get if you mess with us

...for some reason or other hates it when song lyrics don't have periods in them. I knew they are poems or whatever, it just feels weird not to have that little dot on the end.

So yeah, went to the mall today. It was a horrible experience. It wasn't even the fact that my butt is getting bigger and looked more similar to a full moon than an actual full moon, it was the fact that people are mean. Period.

Today while leaving the mall...a fabulous and I mean beautiful transgendered individual was getting some cash out the ATM to spend on some swag. Behind said individual there are a gaggle of idiots pointing, laughing and notifying their friends that there is a "queer a** f*****" in the middle of "their" mall.

My first reaction is disgust at the individuals and then pity because they are so ignorant. I mean, my first instinct was to get them a mirror to point out the fact that the primary antagonist looked more like a man than her significant other and that said significant other could lose about 50 pounds...easy. But, I didn't. That's something I'll have to work out with myself though. It's said that the silence of good people is just as bad as the actions of the bad ones, however, I didn't want to get my 5'0" butt redneck stomped.

The most amazing part of this whole situation is that this lady, who was minding her own business, handled it with the utmost grace. She took her money and kept walking. Never said a word. I can't imagine the strength that this individual possesses. To be yourself in a world full of close-mindedness is powerful. It really is. I've never walked in her shoes (partially because they would have been incredibly too high) and I can't pass judgement on her life. I don't know her from Adam.

I think we can learn a lesson from this situation. It's not even the fact she was transgendered. She could have been mentally or physical handicapped, or even wearing a stupid hat. Don't judge lest you be judged. What's the point of it anyway? Did it make these people happier to bully this woman? Probably not. Did it make them look any better? Definitely not. Did it take them out of their respective situations? No. In the long run it damages not only the soul of the bullied but also of the bully, himself (or herself). You grow into something bitter, cold and ignorant...and then you pass those traits to your offspring. It's truly a lose-lose situation if ever there were one.

So kudos, lady at the ATM. Keep doin' your thang and workin' those clothes that I only dream of wearing.

Those are all my thoughts today. Mind your business. Treat others the way you want to be treated. All you need is love. Read a book and get yourself educated.

Song of the Day
Karma Police by Radiohead

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