Welcome to my life.
The life of a Marine's wife,
registered nurse,
dog owner,
wanna-be photographer,
and budding writer.

Monday, July 11, 2011

Something's in the air tonight

The sky's alive with burning light
You can mark my words, something's about the break

...got to meet Lillian on Sunday during lunch. If you didn't know, Lillian, is Timmy's cousin's daughter and therefore my most brand new cousin. She's sweet, adorable and extremely well behaved. I got to have lunch with a lot of Timmy's extended family Friday, which was great. It's always good to see them, if only for a short while. I've been thinking about taking some ACTUAL photography classes. Perhaps, one day. Anyway, here's Lillian.

After lunch, I, of course went to Sarah's and watched more Harry Potter. I'm going to miss Harry Potter dates at the McClanahan's after this is all over with, and that makes me sad. Also, there is no way I'm going to finish this series before the movie. I have 6 and 7 to go, and it's just not going to happen with work and all. That's okay though, I can just read them after the movie.

DRAMA. Loads of epic drama. I was under the false illusion that because I'm an adult now, that I would not be burdened with this ridiculous stupidity. However, that has proven to be false. It appears that many people around me thrive off it, and somehow, drag my name into all the crap. Yes, even when I have no idea what's going on. Particularly my own flesh and blood. Without divulging too much information, just know, that if the only way I get to live my life "drama free" is to cut ties...I WILL not hesitate. I do not need poison in my life. To the people in particular that are being belligerent, get a life, stop being so grossly selfish and grow up. Yes, it's time. And, if by me saying this, drama ensues...at least this time, I actually said something. Cheers.

Enough of that then.

So, here I am, sitting upstairs with Zero and the bulldogs writing this blog. That's pretty much all I've done with my day. I woke around 0900 and then read 3 chapters of a book and promptly proceeded back to sleep...until 1230. I didn't realized how tired I was. I've got to be back at work tomorrow for the 9am to 9pm shift. I'm really liking work, like I said before, for the first time in a long time I don't dread working.

This weekend is going to be loads of fun and I can't wait for it. As you all are aware, the last Harry Potter movie is coming out and I have midnight tickets. I'm going to the movie with Sarah and Ryan and one of their friends. I always like a midnight movie. Then, Saturday is Suzanne's bridal shower, which I'm helping Sarah with. It's going to be a busy weekend. Busy indeed. Bring it on weekend.

...and I have been doing a lot of talking about the future recently. I'm excited really. There are a lot of things coming quicker than I expected them. Within the next year, everything will be coming to light. I'm just glad that we have some semblance of a solid, actual life plan. That makes me extremely excited, much more than I have been in recent months.

Tomato, is well. He's been working hard. I love his diligence. I just love him. I can't possibly say that enough.

...has to say goodbye to the gonads in 8 days.

Day 28
(something you're afraid of)
Not being able to see this face until Christmas.

Song of the Day
Nothing Left To Lose by Mat Kearney

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